Sorry for the lack of updates in this major transitional period for the Tennessee volleyball program. In addition to the usual hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I’m taking care of some personal issues right now that are keeping me away from the blog. I’m hoping to back and writing again by late next week at the earliest. Again, apologies for disappearing but I should be back very soon! Thanks for your understanding.
UPDATE (12/22/2017): I’m basically back! As some of you may know I have a medical issue I deal with, and this month I had a scare that thankfully turned out to be nothing to worry about. I hate that it happened at such an impactful time — the end Tennessee’s season, the NCAA Tournament, and a coaching change. But now that my mind isn’t focused on other things I’m looking forward to writing about my thoughts on the 2017 campaign and about the legacy of the longest serving and winningest coach in UT history. And I’ll be doing that… after Christmas! Thanks again for your understanding!

Updates coming soon