Hello! Tennessee Volleyball is back — both this unofficial website and the team itself, who started fall practice last week!
It’s been a long busy offseason for me. Usually I restart the site a month or two before the season starts, but this season we’re just 16 days away before I’ve finally found the time to get to work! And unfortunately that issue of not having as much time as in previous seasons may stay in play for awhile. Without going too deep into specifics, I have two other websites that I usually ignore during volleyball season that will require me to actually be around this year. And my kids have started high school and middle school this year, and I’m betting their activities will take more time than they did in previous years.
Don’t worry too much! I’m not going anywhere and I plan to continue working hard here. Just maybe don’t expect five or more articles a week every week!
I love having this site as an excuse to get so invested in the
LadyVol volleyball team and dig into the stats and facts without looking like just an overly obsessed fan! Thanks for continuing to visit… so I can keep up that charade!

Tennessee Volleyball is back!