- Tennessee has posted a story and a video on seniors Lexi Dempsey and Megan Hatcher and how they’ve helped the team prepare for the 2015 season. Coach Patrick: “They’ve been fantastic. They’re some of the reasons why our practices have been so good and the effort has been so high.”
- The official site has also updated the school’s volleyball record book (PDF) for those, like me, that like to delve into the stats.
- Earlier this month the Knoxville News-Sentenel did a story on sophomore hitter Kanisha Jimenez. “I knew this was the right place for me, and I’m still saying right now this is the right place for me.”
- ESPN has written their annual “Five Questions” article about the NCAA volleyball season. The Gators get in a reference for the SEC. The piece mentions Florida’s 376-18 record in regular season conference play since 1991. As an aside, Tennessee has given UF more of those losses than any other team.
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